Although Sri Lanka is a long way away, there are plenty of opportunities for you to help Grace Girls’ right here at home. Host a fundraiser in your home. And, of course, donations are always welcome!
Respecting the privacy of our girls and maintaining a warm, safe, learning environment is important to us and we try to minimize the disruption to the Center — afterall, Grace is their home. There are, however, occasional opportunities to travel to Sri Lanka for a hands-on project at Grace Girls’ Home. We consider volunteer opportunities in six different areas of interest: Education, Social Services, Medicine, Maintenance, International Commerce and Administration. Help us get to know you and your area of interest by completing our Volunteer Form below for consideration.
Prior to completing the form, we highly suggest you review the Volunteer Handbook. This will provide you with background on Grace Girls’ Home, Sri Lankan history and politics, and the necessities for a trip to Grace.