Empowering Young Lives: Our Projects

Join us in making a difference! As a non-denominational organisation, Grace Girls' Home cares for girls from all ethnicities and religions. Donations from around the world are transforming these young lives.

Working together as educators, health care leaders,  and volunteers we can make a difference one girl at a time. 

A Year of Medical Care for a Child!

Visitors who come to Grace are struck by the joy that radiates from our girls who are often singing, working on their dance steps or braiding each other’s hair. It is a safe space, lulled by the sounds of the sea that provides respite from the trauma that they have faced. Thanks to the generosity of local physicians who donate services for annual health check-ups, the cost of care is limited.

Annual cost of medicine and counselling per child - $74

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Help a Girl Transition for a Year

After the girls turn 18, they aren’t always ready to face the world. They may not have a college space or a job lined up. Transitional housing provides a place for them to find their feet before heading out into the world.

Annual cost of transitional housing per girl - $187

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Educate a Child for a Year

Fees per child include after school tutoring and activities such as dance and music. Many of our children come to Grace with a history of trauma as well as limited education, issues which affect their performance in school. The goal is to meet them where their talents and abilities lie and inspire them to seek college places or a position in the trades.

Annual cost of tuition per child - $250
Annual cost of books, stationary and uniforms per child - $50

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Feed a Child for a Year!

Beset by high inflation, food is expensive in Sri Lanka. Despite this, we are able to limit grocery bills to about a dollar a day per child. We do this by growing many of our own vegetables in-house and raising hens for eggs.

Annual cost of food per child - $377

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Build Beautiful Bathrooms!

Much needed overhauls to the childrens’ bathrooms were accomplished with this project.

Children’s rooms/ bathrooms - $6,000

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Fund the Library

This colourful library was partially constructed with funds (total cost 15k) from the kids attending RYLA’s Summer camp. We are truly grateful to these teens who used the hard earned money from their Summer jobs to fund this peaceful space.

Library and dining hall - $7,500

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Provide Access to Power

Frequent power cuts are a familiar snag in Sri Lanka and a generator is essential to ensure that computers, lights and fans can operate. A small shelter ensures that the security guard has a place to shelter during inclement weather.

Security hut/ generator room/ vehicle garage - $8,200

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Build A Security Wall

Building a secure wall was on our list of priorities for a while. The property encompasses 7 acres and this beautiful wall was constructed with safety and harmony in mind. The decorative shell maintains views of the sea while preventing encroachment

Security wall - $20,000

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A Year of Medical Care for a Child!

Visitors who come to Grace are struck by the joy that radiates from our girls who are often singing, working on their dance steps or braiding each other’s hair. It is a safe space, lulled by the sounds of the sea that provides respite from the trauma that they have faced. Thanks to the generosity of local physicians who donate services for annual health check-ups, the cost of care is limited.

Annual cost of medicine and counselling per child - $74

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Help a Girl Transition for a Year

After the girls turn 18, they aren’t always ready to face the world. They may not have a college space or a job lined up. Transitional housing provides a place for them to find their feet before heading out into the world.

Annual cost of transitional housing per girl - $187

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Educate a Child for a Year

Fees per child include after school tutoring and activities such as dance and music. Many of our children come to Grace with a history of trauma as well as limited education, issues which affect their performance in school. The goal is to meet them where their talents and abilities lie and inspire them to seek college places or a position in the trades.

Annual cost of tuition per child - $250
Annual cost of books, stationary and uniforms per child - $50

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Feed a Child for a Year!

Beset by high inflation, food is expensive in Sri Lanka. Despite this, we are able to limit grocery bills to about a dollar a day per child. We do this by growing many of our own vegetables in-house and raising hens for eggs.

Annual cost of food per child - $377

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Build Beautiful Bathrooms!

Much needed overhauls to the childrens’ bathrooms were accomplished with this project.

Children’s rooms/ bathrooms - $6,000

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Fund the Library

This colourful library was partially constructed with funds (total cost 15k) from the kids attending RYLA’s Summer camp. We are truly grateful to these teens who used the hard earned money from their Summer jobs to fund this peaceful space.

Library and dining hall - $7,500

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Provide Access to Power

Frequent power cuts are a familiar snag in Sri Lanka and a generator is essential to ensure that computers, lights and fans can operate. A small shelter ensures that the security guard has a place to shelter during inclement weather.

Security hut/ generator room/ vehicle garage - $8,200

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Build A Security Wall

Building a secure wall was on our list of priorities for a while. The property encompasses 7 acres and this beautiful wall was constructed with safety and harmony in mind. The decorative shell maintains views of the sea while preventing encroachment

Security wall - $20,000

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